How to make a pillow in 6 quick steps!

I'm going to give a step to step guide on how to make a quick pillow (The plain white one). The first thing you need to do is measure the size of the desired pillow, using one of your own in your house.

This is what you will need:
Fabric (of your choice)
A sewing machine

Not much huh? Well here it goes.

1. If you have an overlocker, overlock all the edges of the facing. Press the width of the facing over 1.5cm. Sew down a one side of the long edge which you have decided will be the bottom of the facing, leave the other un-stitched.

2. Place the right side of the facing long side of the pattern which was left un-stitched on the wrong side of the pillow front. Make sure it's still folded because you will be sewing it over the fold. 

3. Fold the smaller sides of the facing 0.5cm on both sides to match the size of the pillow. Sew along the edges 0.2cm. Press. Bag out the facing. I used black thread so you can see what it should look like at this stage.

4. Press the smaller sides of the back pillow piece and determine the top and the bottom. Sew bottom and top edges 1.5cm. Press the longer sides 0.5cm.

5. Place right sides together of both pillow front and back and sew 0.5cm all around, leaving the facing side open.

6. Turn through and you're done! 

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